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America, we have a problem. People aren't feeling engaged with their work


A new report from Gallup finds that large numbers of workers, especially Gen Zers and young millennials, are not engaged with their jobs. And that could make their climb up the career ladder harder, as well as hurt companies' overall performance.

Toxic Culture Top Reason People Quit


Wanting to escape a workplace culture perceived as toxic is the primary reason people quit their jobs, according to new research. In fact, having a healthy culture is 10 times more important to employees than pay, the research found.

The crisis in American girlhood


This article is for those considering a new line of work that focuses on something they enjoy doing and might be able to turn into a career.

The Great Attrition is making hiring harder. Are you searching the right talent pools?


People keep quitting at record levels, yet companies are still trying to attract and retain them the same old ways. New research identifies five types of workers that employers can reach to fill jobs.

Press 1 for more anger: Americans are fed up with customer service


To determine what job you will love, you should ask yourself a few questions about your dreams, goals and strengths.

Why Every Leader Needs to Worry About Toxic Culture


Pinpointing the elements of toxic culture in an organization can help leaders focus on addressing the issues that lead employees to disengage and quit.

Employee retention: The real cost of losing an employee


Attracting and retaining talented employees is vital for an organization’s success. Organizations need to invest in recruitment and retention strategies if they want to thrive in today's economy. But, finding the best employees is especially challenging for small businesses and nonprofit organizations that must compete with larger businesses and budgets for top talent.

SHRM Reports Toxic Workplace Cultures Cost Billions


Nearly half of employees (49 percent) have thought about leaving their current organization, while nearly one in five have left a job due to culture in the past five years. 

1 million employees ranting about their job reveals a toxic-workplace pandemic that’s fueling the Great Resignation


Workers are sick of living a real-life episode of ‘The Office.’ They’ve had enough.

America’s offices are suffering under a dark cloud of malaise, as half of workers say they’re unhappy


Who must we still try to convince of the fact that there has been a shift in Americans' relationship to work?

Workers are historically stressed out and disengaged


Bored at work? Annoyed with your boss? You’re not alone.

State of the Global Workplace: 2023 Report


For many, working at a job they love is more fulfilling, productive and important than money. It can even lead to a higher level of success.

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