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Diverse Teams Feel Less Comfortable — and That’s Why They Perform Better

In numerous studies, diversity — both inherent (e.g., race, gender) and acquired (experience, cultural background) — is associated with business success. For example, a 2009 analysis of 506 companies found that firms with more racial or gender diversity had more sales revenue, more customers, and greater profits. A 2016 analysis of more than 20,000 firms in 91 countries found that companies with more female executives were more profitable. In a 2011 study management teams exhibiting a wider range of educational and work backgrounds produced more-innovative products. These are mere correlations, but laboratory experiments have also shown the direct effect of diversity on team performance. In a 2006 study of mock juries, for example, when black people were added to the jury, white jurors processed the case facts more carefully and deliberated more effectively.
America’s happiness score drops amid a youth ‘midlife crisis’

The United States is no longer among the world’s 20 happiest countries, according to a new report — with young people hit particularly hard and reporting lower levels of well-being than any other age group.
The Global Rise of Unhappiness

All leaders use indicators to measure progress. For example, if you asked CEOs what indicators they follow most closely, they would probably say revenue growth or share price. With world leaders, it's harder to know. Would they say GDP? Unemployment? The poverty rate? Maybe the Saudi king would say oil prices.
Toxic company culture is the No. 1 reason workers are quitting jobs, survey finds

Nearly one-third of employees are considering quitting their jobs and one-quarter resigned over the past six months, according to a FlexJobs survey.
The No. 1 reason for resigning was “toxic company culture,” with low salary, poor management and a lack of a healthy work-life balance following closely behind.
However, if you’re planning to leave, it’s important “not to burn any bridges,” experts say.